Welcome to  Enclave.

The Enclave Metagame - What is it?

Enclave is not just our LAN event; it's a significant faction in our sci-fi narrative metagame. The Enclave consists of talented individuals called ‘Shifters’ who protect humanity from existential threats in the year 4025. As a participant, YOU are a Shifter! You might have noticed your role title on our Discord server. Soon, we will introduce the Enclave world with prologue chapters to get you up to speed on the exposition of the universe.

Game Mechanics

Participating in the metagame involves typical LAN activities: playing games, joining scheduled events, and completing challenges. You can still contribute passively if you choose not to engage actively. Each event begins with a new story chapter. Players generate a special resource, called LANium, through activities and challenges. Also each day, the LAN community votes on critical choices, influencing the story’s progression. Multiple outcomes exist for each day, shaped by the community’s strategies and resource generation. Consider the best course of action with fellow Shifters for the most intriguing story developments. Leaderboards will also track top Shifters. Aim high for special surprises!

Events Connected

Following Enclave I: The Awakening, each event will build upon the storyline. Outcomes from each event will shape the world’s future. Shifters might become legendary, recorded in history. Will Enclave thrive or face constant survival battles? Help us develop this ever-evolving world!

To get started learning about the world, check out the Narrative Introduction.